Application of Sports Wrap Bandage in Sports Injuries

Elastic bandages are great for relieving new injuries or inflammation and can help control swelling. Elastic bandages are great for relieving new injuries or inflammation and can help control swelling. However, there is a limit to when compression can be used, and it does not mean that compression is good all the time. At some point, blood flow to the injured area needs to be increased to promote healing.

1. Selection of sports wrap bandage size

Elastic sports wrap bandage usually has a width of 5 to 15 cm. The wider the bandage, the more compressive it will be, but it won't block actual blood flow. Typically, for an adult arm or leg, a bandage 6 to 10 cm wide can be used. The narrower 5cm wide bandages allow adults' fingers and children's arms and legs to get free.

2. What you can do with sports wrap bandage

(1) Use elastic bandages only for the first 24 to 48 hours after injury.
(2) Combine rest and elevation with compression whenever possible.

3. What cannot be done with sports wrap bandage

(1) Do not apply ice cubes and compresses at the same time, this may cause frostbite.
(2) Don't wrap the elastic bandage too tightly. This method is to stop swelling, not completely stop blood flow.
(3) Don't try to wrap your ankle or knee with elastic bandages to avoid re-injury, elastic bandages provide no support. They are just for compression.

4. Self-adhesive compression sports wrap bandage provides compression similar to elastic bandages

They have the added benefit of acting like tape without sticking to the skin. These wraps can be easily torn to the length rescuers need and can wrap tightly enough to form a tourniquet. Self-adhesive compression sports wrap bandages are common in sports environments and come in widths from 1.5 to 12 cm. Since they act like adhesive tape, they have more uses in first aid kits than typical elastic bandages.

Gauze is not as stretchy as elastic bandages, they are not used much for compression as they are not tight enough while maintaining their width shape, gauze wraps are mostly used to control bleeding or to bandage a wound.

5. Implementation rules of sports wrap bandage

(1) The position of the injured should be appropriate.
(2) The affected limb is placed in an adapted position, so that the patient can keep the limb comfortable during the bandaging process and reduce the pain of the patient.
(3) The affected limb must be bandaged in a functional position.
(4) The nurse usually stands in front of the patient to observe the facial expression of the patient.
(5) Generally, when using the sports wrap bandage method, it should be wrapped from the inside out, and from the distal end to the trunk. At the beginning of the bandage, two ring bandages must be done to fix the bandage.
(6) When bandaging, grasp the bandage roll to avoid falling. sports wrap bandage and must be flat on the bandage site.
(7) The pressure should be equal every week when bandaging, and it should not be too light to avoid falling off. It should not be too tight, so as not to cause circulation disorders.
(8) Except for patients with acute bleeding, open trauma or fracture, the area must be clean and dry before bandaging.
Rings, gold chain bracelets and watch necklaces are removed before bandaging.


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